Forward In Faith Ministries International the Ghana blanch in Accra where you will meet Gods people who are ready to meet all your spiritual needs in the Lord Jesus Christ. if you are looking for salvation place to the Forward in faith ministries in Ghana. are you a member of our ministry and you think you can not locate the church please to contact address for our contact information.

Founder/President: Dr. Ezekiel H. Guti

A gifted Evangelist, a veteran pastor, a veritable teacher, renown prophet with unmistakable marks of Apostleship, Doctor Ezekiel Guti a humble servant of God has Distinguished himself as a leading personality in the Pentecostal world.

Dr. Guti hold a Bachelor of Christian Education and Doctorate from North gate Graduate School and from Zoe College U.S.A.

Dr. Guti, a veteran and a pioneer in outstanding areas of Christian education, is Founder and President of the largest and fastest growing indigenous church which has spread to 56 nations worldwide.

On the international arena, Dr. Guti has accepted invitations to preach and teach in several Africa states, Europe, U.S.A and The Bahamas, Australia, Brazil, Germany, in Bible School, College, Colleges, Universities and TV and Radio Programmes and to over thousand Pastors and Evangelist, planting more churches to the glory of God around the globe. Presently having his personal TV station.

He is Founder seven Bible Schools in Africa, three in Zimbabwe, two in Mozambique, one in Zambia, one in Ghana and several evening Bible Schools throughout Zimbabwe, Europe and America where he has trained over 1000 pastors from over 56 nations including the U.K. and the U.S.A. He also founded the Forward In Faith orphanage center, F.I.F Children Ministry, F.I.F College, Hospital, High School Ministry and newly opend ngo in Ghana(WALFND) at  Gracious woman's Fellowship international and alongside with it, The husband’s Agape international Fellowship. He oversees over a five thousand pastors and Evangelists world wide, a great intercessor, a man of love, concern and compassion.

He has authored over 1000 books which include the followings titles. Laws and responsibilities of a leader, Do you know your God?, Human being can not change without pressure, preparation for church growth and many more. For more information you can visit our international headquarters at Zimbabwe:


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